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First published in 1977, The Shining quickly became a benchmark in the literary career of Stephen King. This tale of a troubled man hired to care for a remote mountain resort over the winter, his loyal wife, and their uniquely gifted son slowly but steadily unfolds as secrets from the Overlook Hotel's past are revealed, and the hotel itself attempts to laim the very souls of the Torrence family. Adapted into a cinematic masterpiece of horror by legendary Stanley Kubrick -- featuring an unforgettable performance by a demonic Jack Nicholson --The Shining stands as a cultural icon of modern horror, a searing study of a family torn apart, and a nightmarish glimpse into the dark recesses of human weakness and dementia.  

Let's set the scene...

This is the first time we're introduced to Kirk.  But he's not Kirk... he's Mick.  I'll give Amy and Daniel a pass as it was the second episode and they were trying to get their footing. 

"Mick" is sent to the Gilmore residence to install a DSL line for Rory.  We know exactly who is behind it (and so does Lorelai).  So she goes racing over to Emily's hair appointment to lay the law down.

Lorelai: You're not buying us a DSL.
Emily: Lorelai, this is hardly the place.
Lorelai: I canceled the order, and it's not happening.
Emily: But Rory needs the Internet for her school.
Lorelai: We have the Internet.
Emily: Well, this is faster.

Lorelai: Well, we like our Internet slow, okay? We can turn it on, walk around, do a little dance, make a sandwich. With DSL, there's no dancing, no walking, and we'd starve. It'd be all work and no play. Have you not seen The Shining, Mom?


Okay, okay, okay... I know that the reference is for the movie and not the book.  However, in the first episode, Lorelai says "There are several scenes from a Stephen King novel I'd reeneact before I'd resort to that option" (that was by memory, people!  It's okay to be impressed).  Although Lorelai didn't specify whichStephen King novel, I decided to use this The Shining quote to fulfill the reference.


My thoughts:

Although generally seen as a children's book, J.K. Rowling weaves such a magnificent tale told within such a fascinating world that it truly captivates readers of all ages.  I originally would go to see the movies with my stepmother (a huge Harry Potter fan) and enjoyed them, but as I tend not to be interested in stories about wizards and dragons (my stepmother is the same person who tried to get me to read The Hobbitapproximately 300 times when I was younger), I didn't think the books would capture my attention.  When the monumental release of the seventh and final Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) happened, I came across a spoiler that had me running to the store for the first in the series.  Luckily, by the time I got to The Deathly Hallows (and it honestly wasn't that long as I consumed these books, like... whoa), I had NO CLUE what that spoiler said (point for Bear Allen's craptastic memory!).


The great thing about this series is that story becomes darker as the characters grow up.  I love that the fans of Harry Potter as the books were first released almost were able to grow up with the story... as their lives became more complicated, so did the lives of Harry, Ron and Hermione.  Although the first, secondand third books get progressively darker in nature, The Goblet of Fire is where the subject matter truly begins to turn more serious.  The threat hanging over Hogwarts is no longer just a vague notion or a memory for older witches and wizards, but that threat is very real and begins to prove it's power.  This book begins to reveal the reality of life that we are all faced with... life is fleeting.  Although children tend to believe themselves immortal, this book speaks to the fact that there is evil everywhere that does not discriminate between child and adult, innocent and guilty.  However, it also shows that CONSTANT VIGILANCE (thank you, Mad-Eye) and strong moral fiber has a chance against even the darkest wizards in this world.




Who do I see reading this in the Stars Hollow gazebo?

On top of being able to relate to the parent issues inherent in The Shining (Danny and Jack, Jack and his father, Wendy and her mother), I just see Lorelai as being someone that would thoroughly enjoy the insanity that is Stephen King's thoughts.

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