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Let's set the scene...

Jess Mariano is on his way into our lives and Lorelai (in a deep sense of foreboding) is wary of his presence...


Luke: Look, all he needs is to be around someone who's not a selfish basketcase, who will give him a little space, who will treat him like a man.
Lorelai: Maybe you should think about this.
Luke: There's nothing to think about. He's family. You take care of family, period.
Lorelai: Yes, I respect that, but what if he turns out to be Fredo?


My thoughts:

This was a re-read from years ago.  And here's where I admit something unusual-- I have read all of Mario Puzo's books... but have never in my life seen The Godfather. I know this would be an offense punishable by lack of coffee in the minds of the Gilmore girls, so hopefully they never catch wind.  The other part of this is that my husband is Sicilian, so I feel like I'm "going against the family".


As with the first time I read The Godfather, this book had me gripped from the first.  Puzo is able to artfully make violent criminals relatable and empathatic.  You are able to find sympathy for even the most cold-hearted characters, and as you read, you start to buy into the fact that murder can simply be "for business, not personal".  It's amazing how he is able to immerse you in that world and make you see rationale in irrational acts.


Part of me (as I did the last time I read The Godfather) would love to continue on with the rest of his books, but I'm not a huge re-reader in the first place.  I try to only re-read if my challenge calls for it.  As Rory so recently pointed out, there are so many books and so little time.  And unlike her, I'm already in my 34th year!  Rory doesn't know pressure!





When Mario Puzo's blockbuster saga, The Godfather, was first published in 1969, critics hailed it as one of the greatest novels of our time, and "big, turbulent, highly entertaining." Since then, The Godfather has gone on to become a part of America's national culture, as well as a trilogy of landmark motion pictures. Now, in this newly-repackaged 30th Anniversary Edition, readers old and new can experience this timeless tale of crime for themselves.From the lavish opening scene where Don Corleone entertains guests and conducts business at his daughter's his son, Michael, who takes his father's place to fight for his the bloody climax where all family business is finished, The Godfather is an epic story of family, loyalty, and how "men of honor" live in their own world, and die by their own laws.


Who do I see reading this in the Stars Hollow gazebo?

As is expressed in this scene, Luke holds family as most important.  He has the type of values that would fit in with the Corleones... minus the fish in bullet-proof vests. 

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